Why 73% of Small Businesses Fail to Sell - Don't Be Next

Avoid the 10 Deal-Killing Mistakes That Could Cost You Your Legacy

In today's competitive market, selling your small business can be a daunting challenge.   A staggering 73% of owners walk away empty-handed, their dreams of a profitable exit unfulfilled.   But at Discover Acquisitions, we're committed to changing those odds as Acquisition Entrepreneurs

We Buy, Operate & Grow Businesses

Close Quickly ◉ Grow Your Legacy ◉ Secure Maximum Value

With over 30 years of experience in leadership, business development, and operations, we have the expertise to ensure your business doesn't become another statistic.   Our approach is rooted in servant leadership, an obsessive focus on customers, operational excellence, and astute financial management.   We're not just looking for a quick transaction - we're dedicated to sustaining your legacy, maintaining your business, and driving long-term growth.   Don't let years of hard work go to waste.   Discover how partnering with us can safeguard your financial future and secure the legacy you've built 

Selling your business is more than a transaction - it's the culmination of years of hard work and dedication.   But even the most successful entrepreneurs can stumble during this crucial process.   Let's explore the top 10 mistakes sellers make and how you can navigate around them:

1. Inadequate Financial Documentation

Clear, accurate financial records are the foundation of any successful sale.   Yet many sellers underestimate their importance.   Messy books can raise red flags, potentially lowering your business's value or scaring away buyers altogether.

The Solution: Implement robust bookkeeping practices well before considering a sale.   Consider having your financials audited by a reputable firm.   This transparency aligns with our commitment to astute financial management and can significantly smooth the due diligence process.

2. Overvaluation

It's natural to have an emotional attachment to your business, but this can lead to unrealistic price expectations.   Overvaluation can deter serious buyers and unnecessarily prolong the sale process.

The Solution: Seek an objective, third-party valuation of your business.   At Discover Acquisitions, we believe in fair "win-win" terms. A realistic valuation sets the stage for productive negotiations and a smoother transaction.

3. Neglecting Business Operations During the Sale Process

The complexities of selling a business can be all-consuming, leading some owners to lose focus on day-to-day operations.   This can result in declining performance, making the business less attractive to potential buyers.

The Solution: Maintain your focus on running the business effectively throughout the sale process.   Remember, we’re looking for “enduringly profitable” businesses.   Strong performance during the sale can even strengthen your negotiating position.

4. Lack of Succession Planning

A clear plan for leadership transition is crucial.   Without it, buyers may question the business's ability to thrive under new ownership.

The Solution: Develop a comprehensive succession plan well in advance of the sale.   This should include training key employees, documenting processes, and preparing for a smooth handover.   At Discover Acquisitions, we're committed to sustaining your legacy, and a solid succession plan is key to this goal.

5. Inadequate Preparation for Due Diligence

The due diligence process is rigorous and detailed.   Sellers who aren't prepared can face delays or even break deals.

The Solution: Anticipate buyer requests and prepare a comprehensive due diligence package in advance.   This might include financial statements, tax returns, contracts, and operational documentation.   Our execution-focused approach appreciates sellers who are equally prepared.

6. Poor Timing

Timing can significantly impact the success of a business sale.   Selling too early might mean missing out on growth potential, while waiting too long could mean missing the market peak.

The Solution: Regularly assess market conditions and your business's performance.   Aim to sell when your business is showing strong, sustainable growth.   Our interest in businesses with specific EBITDA ranges reflects the sweet spot many buyers look for.

7. Failure to Maintain Confidentiality

Letting news of a potential sale leak prematurely can destabilize relationships with employees, customers, and suppliers, potentially damaging the business's value.

The Solution: Implement strict confidentiality measures.   Use non-disclosure agreements and limit knowledge of the sale to a need-to-know basis. Our professional approach ensures discretion throughout the process.

8. Not Understanding the Buyer's Perspective

Sellers who fail to consider what buyers are looking for may struggle to position their business effectively or find the right match.

The Solution: Research potential buyers and understand their criteria.   At Discover Acquisitions, we’re transparent about our interests, focusing on specific industries and business models.   Aligning with buyer preferences can streamline the sale process.

9. Neglecting to Address Business Vulnerabilities

Every business has weaknesses. Failing to address and disclose these upfront can lead to unpleasant surprises and potential deal breakers later in the process.

The Solution: Conduct a thorough self-assessment of your business.   Identify areas of vulnerability and develop plans to address them. Being proactive and transparent about these issues aligns with our value of acting ethically and with integrity.

10. Lack of Comprehensive Professional Guidance

The complexities of selling a business can be overwhelming.   Attempting to navigate this process without experienced advisors often leads to costly mistakes.

The Solution: Engage with experienced professionals early in the process.   This might include business brokers, accountants, and lawyers specializing in business sales. At Discover Acquisitions, we value clear communication and can work effectively with your advisory team.

Selling your business doesn't have to be a minefield.   By understanding and avoiding these common pitfalls, you can significantly increase your chances of a successful transaction.   At Discover Acquisitions, we're committed to creating value for all stakeholders.   Our approach, rooted in integrity, professionalism, and a commitment to sustaining legacies, positions us as an ideal partner for business sellers.

Remember, preparation is key. By addressing these potential issues proactively, you'll be well-positioned to navigate the sale process successfully and secure the best possible outcome for your business legacy. Don't leave your life's work to chance - partner with Discover Acquisitions for a smooth, profitable transition.

Are You Considering a Sale of Your Business?   

Let's start a conversation about how Discover Acquisitions can help you achieve the best possible outcome for you. 


Gautam Pardhy


(201) 805-6546
